The MAGIC of Love
I’m alone as I’ve always been and sometimes it hurts…. but I’m learning to breathe deep through it and keep walking. I’m learning to make things nice for myself. To comfort my own heart when I wake up sad. To find small bits of friendship in a crowd full of strangers. To find a small moment of joy in a blue sky, in a trip somewhere not so far away, a long walk an early morning in December, or a handwritten letter to an old friend simply saying ”I thought of you. I hope you’re well.”-- Charlotte Eriksson, Everything Changed When I Forgave Myself: growing up is a wonderful thing to do
A few weeks ago I visited a hospice to visit with some friends who are nearing the end of life. I had a good time, and everyone was smiling when I left, but by the time I got home I felt a bone-deep exhaustion. I wasn't sure what that was--general life stuff? Had I missed some sleep? Ah…I'd done a particularly taxing exercise session that morning…
Then I thought: I'd been giving to my friends. Wanted to uplift them at a time when it often seems there are fewer and fewer things in life to feel joyful about, and it is easy to believe there is little left to give.
If the meaning of life is to be joyful, and of service…then NOT feeling either happy or useful has to be a kind of hell. All that remains is survival and pain.
But if you give to people in that context, there is a danger: from where do you draw YOUR energy? I had been a bucket rather than a hose. Hadn't been connected to Source. Had I walked in that facility and centered myself, and made a conscious choice to be of service to these people I love, I would have walked out with MORE energy than I had going in.
Realizing that, I made a promise not to make that mistake again. I will, of course. But I know the proper path, and hopefully will recognize more swiftly the next time I stray from it.
Curt Steindler suggested the term "90-Day Love Feast" instead of "diet", and I agree that "diet" has negative connotations for many people. Fine. The notion of, for three months, put Tananarive FIRST in my life has been a challenging one (we're on day 6!). I have to give my Soulmate everything I have. But in order to do that without ANY concern for what she gives me back, I have to have my own needs at "Unconscious Competence."
I have to connect to Source, to Love, to my own divine soul, so that, as with the hospice, I am not a "bucket." Buckets empty. I have to draw from that infinite well of abundant love. EVERY DAY.
And I woke up this morning asking what the primary tools for accomplishing this might be.
Heartbeat meditation. Fantastic daily practice.
Ancient Child. Connecting with that child within. One of the most powerful. If you have ANY difficulty connecting with that little scamp, this is a primary indication that therapy or coaching may be needed.
Core Transformation. Easier to do with a coach or hypnotist, but it is possible to do this for yourself. Maybe making an induction tape, and then playing it as you slip into trance.
Morning Ritual. Finding the right affirmations for self-love, and performing them WHILE MOVING with power can be transformational. But you have to find affirmations that are meaningful to you.
Five Minute Miracle. Five times a day, on your breathing breaks, you can deliberately trigger happy, loving memories.
Some will say "I was never loved." This is not true, EVER. All children were loved and cuddled at some point…OR THEY DIE. You may not have conscious memory, but its there, hidden inside the pain and fear.
What I realized was that giving Tananarive all the love in my heart will EMPTY me if I don't renew it. There are many ways to do it, but I'd better have one on tap.
Let's look at MAGIC in this regard:
I need a Map or Model of connection to my own life force and loving energy. The Chakras do this. Handle survival and the heart is safe to open fully.
Take daily ACTION. Five times a day I'll specifically connect with my breath, which takes me to survival. Then my heart. Then my spiritual intention to serve Tananarive with endless love.
Feel deep GRATITUDE for her, and the other women I have loved. They represent, one and all, the Divine Feminine. Giving to her is giving to them. And also to my own Yin nature. Flooding myself with gratitude for having her in my life, during my morning ritual, is just a start. I can do micro-bursts during the Five Minute Miracle segments!
Clear Intention is critical. To make Tananarive feel more loved than ever before….and transform myself in the process. Nurturing and protecting my own "needy, wounded, abandoned child" self forces me to awaken my Warrior self even more powerfully than ever before.
CONFIDENCE that I CAN and SHOULD take this path, for her, for myself, for my family, for everyone I love and care about. I can see how this will work if I work it. And that just the EFFORT and INTENTION have already begun the transformation. We are above 80% now. Heading for 95!
This means that I get to check in on this dynamic process FIVE TIMES A DAY. I cannot imagine this not transforming my life.
And by the way…if you have no relationship, imagine doing a "90 day love feast" for yourself!
We'll be discussing the critical importance of LOVE: self-love, soulmates, and the role of love in transformative service, this Saturday on FIREDANCE: THE NEXT LEVEL
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Topic: Firedance
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