M.A.G.I.C. For Teens Part One



This Saturday, Jason will record his portion of the "M.A.G.I.C. for Teens" course, in which he will teach a version of a Morning Ritual, what he sees as having made a difference in his life, getting him "From ADHD to A's".  Then once that's done, Tananarive and I will interview each other on our perspectives on the entire process, from Preschool to Graduation.


I will need to create an outline for him, and he'll riff off of that.   So the first thing is the "M" and also the creation of the entire program. It was extracted from "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles, the book often said to be a core inspiration for "The Secret."


The Secret annoys me, because of all the people who believe that if they just wish for it hard enough, the universe will bow for them.   I have only one thing to say for those who believe this:


"HOW do you know when you are wishing hard enough?"  And my answer is:  "When you become obsessed with its accomplishment, and get off the damned couch and make it happen."


Simple.   When you are willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES (that passes the Three Gates) to accomplish it.  That's how you know.



Given that, then, the first step is the Map or Model.  Working hard IS NOT ENOUGH.  Running fast will NOT take you to the Pacific Ocean if you are running East.  So many people think that they have to be strong enough to rip a door off its hinges to open it. No, you need to push instead of pull, or have the combination..


And how do you determine the correct direction, or get the combination?  How do you build your map, so that you can be confident you are running in the right direction?  (Note: even if I run west, there are a thousand things that can go wrong. This is true.  But at least my basic strategy is correct.)


You model people who have already accomplished what you want, starting from the same initial position with the same general resources.


I'm a pretty high-performing person, and there is NO arena of my life where people have not done more, starting with less.  And ten minutes of Google would find them if I needed a course correction.  It is SO sad to see people bumping into walls over and over, and when they have a problem only say:  "I'll figure it out."


Well…the instructions on how to get out of the box are written on the outside of the box, friends.  EVERY basic skill you have: walking, talking, reading, writing, math, whatever, you learned by modeling people around you.  Every non-fiction book is teaching you things that were part of another person's experience.  Start life by touching, tasting, smelling…and observing.  Hearing and seeing.


This is the fastest learning we can do: find a role model, and pretend to be that person. That's what children do.  If Uncle Harlan was right, and "success is to bring into existence, in adult terms, our childhood dreams" then that success is achieved by "finding an adult version of the child-like learning patterns of our youth."


We model.   Visualizing a role model you believe could solve your problems gives you access to uncommon wisdom.  I'll leave it for others to debate precisely WHY this happens, whether it is neurological, psychological, or metaphysical.  Not my concern.


But it works.   NLP has Deep Trance Identification and New Behavior Generator technologies. Shamanism connects us with the spirit realm to consult with our ancestors, or the essential, elemental beings representing natural forces.   Various other disciplines ask us to visualize a mentor fully, powerfully…and then STEP INTO THEIR BODY.


I still remember the day I forgot to bring my green belt to karate class, and Steve lent me his black belt to wear on the floor.  I SWEAR I was better that day. Faster. Stronger.  I had to LIVE UP to what I was wearing.   I was just a little bit transformed that day.  And even after I gave it back to him, the memory remained. I knew that THAT was my potential. I just had to tap into it voluntarily.


Modeling finds you the people who could solve your issue.  From them, you extract the map that describes the territory between you and the desired goal.   


BE ADULT ABOUT THIS.  If you are childish, and fearful, your ego will try to tell you that no, no one has ever solved your problem. 


If it were true, what would the component pieces be?


  1. Analyzing the situation

  2. Building a team to brainstorm a solution

  3. Identifying the best option

  4. Daily action

  5. Observing results

  6. Course correcting




Can you say that you are the best analyst?  Team builder?  Have the best intuition about courses to take?  Keep all your promises to yourself?  Observe results most clearly, without emotional charge?  Course correct without clinging to old notions once they've proven non-optimal?  Are you the most PERSISTENT?


I would find the best person I could research or find in each of these categories, unless I was, based upon objective accomplishment, already the best of the best in that category.


To do this, you have to have CONFIDENCE that you can learn.  If you don't, you'll lie to yourself and say you already know everything, and there is no answer. 


That is a dream killer.




Arrgh!  I can't have Jason say all of that!  I'll need to trim it down to the essentials. And I could write an entire book on this one subject.  But…at least I got out the basics.







M.A.G.I.C. For Teens Part 2


Our Rituals Become Our Lives