MAGIC and the “90 Day Love Diet”

MAGIC and the “90 Day Love Diet”

Let me connect the MAGIC Formula" habits to the "90-Day Love Diet", starting on Saturday. Hopefully, its clear that the Diet itself.


Map or Model:   The plan itself flows from Strategic Intervention technology, modeling couples who have been passionately married for 20-50 years.


Action:  The daily action will start with the Blessing Dance, and then at least 5X a day (piggybacking on the 5 Minute Miracle) think what I can do to make Tananarive feel loved and worshipped.  And yes, the term "worship" is very carefully chosen. She represents the Divine Feminine in my life.


Gratitude:   I have to flood myself in gratitude to have her in my life multiple times a day to have the energy to give to her.  Draw it from every corner of my universe.


Intention:  For Tananarive to feel more loved, appreciated, desired and supported than she ever has in her life.   And in the process to discover HOW to draw that forth from myself.


Confidence and Courage:   This requires me to ask what the fear is.  Rejection?   Being taken advantage of?  Losing control?  The repeat of some past negative pattern?   The answer to all of these is to have COURAGE and CONFIDENCE that I can 100% handle my shit. I will survive.  No matter what happens, I will take care of myself, that my own self-love and survival instinct is on "unconscious competence."  My "needy, wounded, abandoned child" is safe in his Father's arms.  That I am, in fact, bonding more deeply with his Mommy.



If I'm right, all I'm doing is applying the lessons I would have learned had my mother and father been a happy, healthy, mutually supportive, passionate, loving couple. I would have seen BY EXAMPLE how it all worked. And by imitating them, would have derived the principles I could use to create my own life.   You ALWAYS have to modify such "life recipes" but STARTING with a recipe is hella better than just making it up as you go along…which is what I did in so many areas of my life.  But I found fine models in two arenas…"relationship" was NOT one of them. This is the first time in all my years that I'm attempting such a thing.


And if I’m right, this will not just help my relationship, it will teach me more about male and female polarities, and being a man.  It will provide a better role model for our children.   As my "Inner Child" needs a healthy male-female balance of protective energies, it makes sense that it will connect me more deeply with my creative energy.


I have EVERY reason to try this.  I have CONFIDENCE therefore that I CAN and SHOULD take these actions, that it will lead to greater pleasure than pain…by a long shot.


It passes the MAGIC formula.  And the THREE GATES.  Tomorrow, we'll apply yet another framework to it, just to be 200% sure.  Man, there has to be a lot of anxiety about this, for me to need it to be so "bulletproof."   That's deep damage all right.  


This will not be easy. But I think it will be transformative.  I am, in essence, asking to die.  For my ego to be consumed in the fire of love and passion, so that I can release a deeper level of who I am. Who I might have been, raised by a "perfect" family in a "perfect" society.


A challenge worthy of a Hero.   Love it.




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