The Horror of “Awakening the Kundalini backwards”


If I say that in the animal world, maturation is measured by the capacity to take responsibility for your own welfare, most won't disagree. But if you extend that to the human world, we run into problems. It isn't enough to say that we should care for people who cannot care for themselves--I believe that.  The problem comes when people don't want you to even suggest that an inability to cope for yourself is an issue. That is madness, and just egoistic fear.  



If I say that adults have responsibility for their actions and emotions, more than children, then yes, I'm implying that the MORE responsibility you take, the more of an "adult" you are.    And an awake, aware, adult human being is clearly an ideal in this sense, a direction to aim for.


If my actions affect my results (and they do, in varying degrees, in all three arenas of life) then intelligence is problem solving, but WISDOM would be knowing which problems to solve…and repeating past errors would be a distinct arena of study.   You'll never get to 100% efficiency in the real world, but those who take more responsibility are going to keep searching for answers when others quit…and get better results.


But you still have that question about causes (actions) and results.  And people will try to excuse their actions, and blame others for their results, in ways that profit no one, especially themselves. And sometimes this leads to real horror.


On this subject, David Zindell said, "I suppose we could get philosophical here. For a long time, I lived in Boulder, sort of the woo-woo New Age capitol of the world. In the dance community to which I belonged, there was a father and a son. The father had mistreated the son from childhood, and he admitted it. But he blamed the son for "causing" the mistreatment and absolved himself according to this logic:  "You chose to be born into the family you were, and you chose me as your father so that you could learn important lessons."


  • My reply was:   "David Zindell people say anything you can imagine. Doesn't change truth. Your task is to determine THAT to the best of your ability. Unless you admire someone's destination, ignore their map.

  • People who jump to the spiritual realm to explain the psychological are "waking up their kundalini backwards" and off the map. Start from the animal, go from there to the human, and from THERE to the spiritual. And by that order: adults must take responsibility for their actions. Children are still in process. An adult who blames a child for his own response is on the road to monstrosity."


Yes, there is a spiritual perspective that says we chose this life, this existence. Another philosophical perspective is that we have experiences so that we can learn, or that IF we can learn from our experiences, we are taking control of our lives.  There is truth in that.


But while it is appropriate to share these perspectives in general, to healthy people, if you do this with weakened, hurt people is is perfectly reasonable to say you are guilt-shaming them.   It is valid to say that squats strengthen your whole body, but you don't advise them to people with broken legs.


Does that mean you don't advise squats?  No, it means that you had better provide further explanation if requested.   


You also need to be aware that people look for justifications for their damage and cruelty.  "Its not me, it’s the law."  There are plenty of laws that have been so cruel that a moral human being would be wrong to obey them.


"Its not me, he asked for it" when someone yells at you and you punch them.   If you think the world would work if everyone answered verbal challenges with physical violence, I hope you get the chance to live in that world. I myself would not care to, and those of us who agree this is a bad idea should speak up.


"its not me, she CHOSE to walk down that alley. Obviously she wanted to be murdered."


Ummm…this is the "he had it coming" argument, saying that the other person FORCED YOU to commit a terrible act. This is criminal.


But when an adult justifies violence on a helpless child using the spiritual perspective of "they came to me for a lesson.  His soul chose mine"?


Then you are jumping totally away from the base physical and animal realities ("nurture and protect your young or face extinction") into the psychological morass of (probably) past damage in the adult creating fear, anger, and loss of control…things that need therapy and healing, but JUSTIFYING it as some kind of spiritual contract?


This is monstrosity, masquerading as some philosophical position.  "He was the most seductive little boy you've ever seen" is a comment pederasts fall back on, and only their allies think this anything but the vilest rationalization of a sick, and sickening mental disorder.


A seriously remarkable model of the human experience: the Chakras

When Sri Chinmoy said that "you can awaken the kundalini from the base (survival) up, or the heart (love) out, but NEVER from the top (mind or spirit) down…this is the kind of nastiness he is referring to.


There is no excuse. This is mental and moral illness, and anyone who accepts it is in league with hell.





My next eighteen months are critical


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