Mastering 2023



To be totally honest, IMO the greatest problem for human beings that they can affect is the mis-alignment of the three energy centers:  body, emotions, and intellect.   Relate these to "Is it True?  Is it Kind?  Is it Useful?" 


"Is it True?"  Body.  Primary determinant of reality, through interaction with the natural world. This is especially true when evaluated in non-subjective ways.  Not "do I feel good?" or "is this graceful?" but "how fast? How far?  How high?  How heavy."   That stuff doesn’t care what you think or how you feel.  It just is what it is.


"Is it Kind?"  The realm of he heart. Self-love and love for others.  Empathy.  This can be dangerous to open without the body, as the body has our survival drives.  Here's an ugly problem: to the degree that Hawaiian Huna is correct that "the body is like a black bag where we store unprocessed emotion" abused children, especially, will store their pain in the body.  They then ignore that body, living in their minds and/or emotions, denying themselves the very feedback they need to escape the maze.  So the kindness is to process that pain so that they can connect with the body and open their eyes.


"Is it Useful?"  This would be the mind. The domain of "effective and efficient".  Goals. Theories of existence.   Epistemology.  But note that although the mind evaluates, its "Garbage In, Garbage Out."  It can get stuck in a "loop" if the body is not engaged.  The brain will just chew over its concepts, endlessly debating with itself.


"What if everything is a dream/simulation/etc.?" is a question rarely asked by someone who steps on a thorn or getting punched in the face.  It is a question beloved of people who live in their heads.  Pot-party conversations where people say "whoa" a lot.


All interesting.  But irrelevant to running from a tiger or feeding a hungry baby.



So…all three. Body, Emotions, Mind.


And in that order, optimally.     Implication?   Consider the possibility that your problems are not your fault, that society changed so rapidly, and so powerfully, that we've not had time to adjust.  TO THE DEGREE THAT THIS IS TRUE it is not your "fault" if you are obese, an Incel or Insing, don't grasp hunting and gathering or marketing and sales (simply communicating the value of what you have hunted, gathered or constructed to your tribe). BUT IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.


Responsibility.  Response-ability. The ability to respond. 


If you don't have the ability to respond…you are helpless, and "dependent  on the kindness of strangers" as Blanche said.  This is a reversal of the natural order, which is "helpless in infancy, competent and contributing in adulthood, helpless in old age."  We all go through these stages, but  of course children rail against restrictions. Adults rail against responsibility. And as we age, we resent being told we are no longer competent.



That's just life.  And those who reject any one of these stages are DANGEROUS to society.


Children who will not conform or obey are dangerous to themselves.

Adults who will not take responsibility are a danger to their children

Elders who do not cede responsibility (say, for driving after they lose sight or reflex) are a danger to themselves, children, and adults.


There are simply stages in life.  And we have to move through them as gracefully as possible. 


When spiritual teacher Krishnamurti said that he was no longer teaching people without a physical discipline, I believe this was what he meant: you can't help people until they get out of their heads.   So if I ask people to list their goals for 2023, and at least 1/7th of those goals should be physical.  I should be able to see and feel the anchoring. And that is if they are healthy.


If unhealthy, then as much as 1/3 of your goals should be in the realm of the physical.  Not just relieving pain, but then gaining pleasure and power. That's another trap: "I'll pay attention to my body if it hurts. Then as soon as the pain stops, I'll ignore it again."


NO!  Back into your head, huh?   Back into the "open heart" eh?   People go through that pattern ENDLESSLY: neglect, pain, action, relief, distraction.


You can see it in careers and money--only paying attention when things go disastrously wrong. No long-term planning or action.


You can see it in relationships: only paying attention when your partner asks for a divorce, or your kids crash and burn.  Then you claim "I was just trying to take care of the family!" to explain why you lived at the office and missed those games and recitals.


And again, you can sure as hell see it in the realm of the physical: stuffing all your emotion and unfulfilled dreams into your body, until people start noticing the baggage, or you start breaking down. 


So…the easiest way to know if someone is on track is: what are you doing physically?  Tai Chi, walking, Five Tibetans, SOMETHING.  Intermittent Fasting?   I can promise you that anyone claiming they are perfectly healthy but "just cannot lose weight" has never combined I.F. and T5T.  Nope.  And if they ever tried to, they'd run right into the emotions they've been stuffing.


And while most are only blown out in one area at a time, we all know people who are just LOST. They live in their heads and/or hearts, have wonderful theories about everything, but refuse to pay attention to the physical results, or the emotional realities, or the logical consequences of their actions.


Start with "what is true?" or you are lost. Start with your body, even if only 20 minutes of Tai Chi, yoga, walking. Start there. Then open your heart, and own your fears and passions. Then open your mind to find the most efficient and effective way of creating the destiny that will express your desires in alignment with your true and best self.


The answer is there. It isn't your fault if you got off the path. We NEED our technology--I am no luddite.  I just know that we need our Selves even more.


In 2023, I intend to double down on this.   Body, Heart, Mind.  "Is it True?" "Is it Kind?" "Is it Useful?"


Take your life back.  Own your mastery.   This is the year.


I hope you'll join us.






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