Making 2023 the Best Year EVER

If I want to make 2023 my best year ever, first of all I have to define what that would MEAN.  I would say this: "to use a higher percentage of my potential, capacity, consciousness, internal and external resources. To be more efficient and effective in relation to my potential than I've ever been."


There is a way in which this makes sense to me, and also puts control of my life squarely in MY hands. It is the "dog" of the situation.  Life's response to me is then the "cat."


Got scads of different ways to look at that question, and each will say something slightly different, but they are all saying the same things ultimately.   So lets look at one of them I really like: Brendon Burchard's "High Performance Six.


The HP6 are the six characteristics his studies suggest make the biggest difference in "moving the needle" for high performing people: Clarity, Energy, Urgency, Influence, and Courage.


  1. What does it mean to have great clarity? That would be clear goals, and a clear view of the situation, and a clear grasp of what resources, abilities, and allies I would need to accomplish it. 

  2. Energy.  Obvious.   Critical for almost any accomplishment. That means both AMOUNT of energy, and my capacity to use it efficiently and effectively.  To use a higher and higher percentage of whatever energy I have sounds like a terrific goal.. There are very specific habits I can examine to raise and refine my energy.  Many are already in place, but need to be properly tuned.

  3. Urgency.  Understanding that the clock is ticking, that we don't have forever to accomplish our goals or help the people we want to help.   I can increase this simply by contemplating mortality.

  4. Productivity.   There is a given amount of work, research, networking, communication or whatever that is necessary to accomplish your goals. Most importantly, to stay on the path.  All there really IS is the path. The results are interesting, but not as important as being in integrity with your Self.   But "right action" produces "right results" so we have to look at that.  Are you, every day, taking another step?  Putting another brick on the wall?   Then that's a good day.

  5. Influence.   The fifth step of the Hero's Journey is "allies and powers".   One reality is that you will need mentors, allies, employers, employees, customers and more, to accomplish your dreams.  "The best way to get what you want is to help a lot of other people get what THEY want."  You will need to influence your children, friends, and anyone with whom you wish an energetic or material exchange. We ALL are teachers, marketers, salespeople, lovers, neighbors. And the quality of communication and influence is critical. Every day, literally EVERY day, I see people complaining on social media that "those people" are beyond influence…and are themselves making the most elemental errors in influence and communication.  And often they don't even know what they don't know. It is TRAGIC.   I might ask them:  "is communication important?" and they'll say "of course."   "How many books do you have in your house?"   "thousands". "How many do you have specifically on interpersonal communication? Sales?  Marketing?"   What if I said that the percentage of books you have on any given subject reveals your depth of interest or knowledge on that subject?   GET BETTER AT INFLUENCE. 

  6. Courage.  I suspect that fear stops people more than everything else in life combined.  Learning to be in the correct relationship with your fear is critical. You do NOT need to eradicate fear, you need to "feel the fear and do it anyway."


Now…looking at these six principles: do they pass the Three Gates?  Seem to. Are they inter-related?  Can I see how increasing ANY of them increases the others. Yes, I can.  If mastery is the result of  following a valid path with daily energy over time would working on these six help?  Yes, I think so.


So this is a set of principles which can be profitably applied to the question:   "How can I have the best 2023 possible? The best year ever?"


  1. I would need to clarify my definitions and goals.

  2. I'd need to raise my energy to its highest level

  3. I'd need to have the highest level of urgency that is compatible with a good night's sleep

  4. I'd need to produce work, take action EVERY DAY that action is called for.   I'll also need to rest deeply, and nourish myself, so that I can produce again tomorrow. And tomorrow. Chop wood, carry water.

  5. The study of communication, sales, and marketing…of influencing ideas and motivating actions, is critical.  I need to be world-class at finding and connecting to the people who can help me accomplish my dreams…and help them accomplish THEIRS. First.

  6. I need, every day, to look at the way fear and love war in my heart, and be sure my dreams and family are not caught in the middle.



So by MY values, the "HP6" are a terrific way of looking at the process of self-improvement.  There are others, but these work great.





Five Minutes To Your Best Year


Keep Going…the World Needs You