M.A.G.I.C. 4 Teens is here!
I’m excited to announce that our 19-year-old son, Jason, has completed the first major project to share with the public: “M.A.G.I.C. for Teens: From ADHD to A’s.” We’re so proud of his audio recording as he talks about the value of my “M.A.G.I.C. Formula,” which helped him overcome his fears and challenges so that he could graduate from high school getting the highest scores of his school career.
In addition to Jason’s recording, Tananarive and I appear in videos while we discuss how we first knew that Jason would be a challenging child – starting from when he wouldn’t nap with the other children in preschool! - his diagnosis with ADHD, and our journey with him as parents.
Here’s more about the program: "M.A.G.I.C. 4 Teens: From ADHD to A's" was very carefully designed. It is made up of four modules. The first is a general self-improvement program specifically designed for kids, using the M.A.G.I.C. formula, my personalized system to ensure that you are actually successful in life. As my favorite definition of this is "progressive realization of a worthy goal" it is critical that you are, every day, heading in the right direction and enjoying the process. But on a meta level, Jason created this himself (with our support of course) and it is a terrific MP3 where he runs through the entire system as he uses it himself. This, by itself, would be worth $27.
But we went way, way beyond that. Turn the entire course around and you have FROM ADHD TO A'S, a history of exactly HOW we worked with our team of doctors and therapists and allies to connect Jason to his drive for life and confidence in himself. How we created a family culture of excellence and pulled him into it so that he simply accepted that this is what Barneses and Dues do.
Chop wood, carry water.
These are video lectures, me interviewing Tananarive on her perspective (which was more traditional and medically based) and mine (which was more in the nature of coaching a body-mind athlete to peak performance).
This is the precise program we used five days a week with our son, and each other, and ourselves. And the doctors were VERY pleased and surprised at the results. Will it work for everyone?
I'm inviting you to see for yourself. Try for sixty days, and if you aren't happy, I'll gladly refund your money. And you know that our products generally sell for at least 4X this much. And Tananarive agreed to sell it so inexpensively UNTIL APRIL 24. Thirty days, in which all the folks who have been cheering us on for year will be able to have this at a fraction of the real price.
And…you can do us a favor. While Jason marketed a couple of little drop-ship items, this is his first product that is HIM. Where HE is putting himself out there. And regardless of his bravado, it is a tender, nervous time. I'm hoping that setting the price so low will encourage many of you to get it NOW, so that he will see the power of sharing wisdom with the world.
And here is a quick overview of what you will get at WWW.MAGIC4TEENS.COM:
The complete M.A.G.I.C 4 Teens course. And what I can say honestly is that if I'd had and USED this at Jason's age I'd have had 3X the success, easily. He speaks directly, honestly and with clarity about a hugely complex subject: what is necessary to optimize your chances of success and happiness in life? There are many ways to speak about this…but M.A.G.I.C. is so powerful that if you will actually implement it it feels as if you are just getting "luckier" every day. Strange, but true.
Tananarive's perspective on the last decade. She tells her story as a mother and an educator, from first symptoms to first doctors to brain-wave scans of our son to medication that kept him in line but dulled his senses and suppressed his appetite. And then our morning meetings, and the effects of the Pandemic…both a curse and an opportunity to focus on Jason and really give him the support he needed to thrive.
My perspective, as a father, educator, martial artist and life coach. My entire life training has been studying what optimizes chances of success, and when I looked at the range of non-optimal behaviors: lack of focus, emotional volatility, no goals, lack of belief in self, even inability to meet my eyes…I met with the doctors and offered the notion that each and every one of the separate "symptoms" were things I'd been paid VERY well to help VERY successful people strengthen, including billionaires and movie stars. Could those same techniques help my son? Over the two core years of the Pandemic we transformed our house. I had a personal ritual. Tananarive and I had a joint ritual. And we had a FAMILY ritual, into which we brought Jason. A ritual of motion, emotion, and thought. And it transformed him.
This is, honestly and sincerely, the program and perspective, the tools and attitudes we used to help our son from failing every class to getting A's in most of them. It was amazing. From explosive tantrums that destroyed the walls in his rooms to having deep and amazing control of his emotions. From not caring about his future to having specific plans to be a successful businessman, athlete, and husband/father. To, in other words, creating and marketing MAGIC 4 Teens!
NOTE: this is not a Plug n' Play program. Not something to hand over to someone else. YOU are the center of it. YOU will need to align YOUR life and actions, like drawing water from a well. Then you can bring your child in. YOU MUST LEAD BY EXAMPLE.
The entire FAMILY moves together as a unit. In this way, the child has no sense of being "broken" or "damaged." We are all simply on a journey to excellence, each of us with different challenges, each using the same basic tools and strategies in different ways.
This is it, the result of over a decade of research and practice. This is the Beta program, and your feedback will help us improve it and help other families. If you want:
--to increase your own focus and aliveness
--to understand the process of influencing your child (or anyone!) better than you ever have
--to have a simple, trackable program that allows you to see in real time your progress in life..
--to give your children an unshakable belief in themselves, and a knowledge of how to improve ANY aspect of their lives that is humanly capable of improvement
--to create a "Mastermind" of professionals to support you in your efforts
--to join the growing FIREDANCE community of people who are learning to take control of their lives and destinies in just minutes a day…
Then you will want the M.A.G.I.C. 4 TEENS/From ADHD to A's program, until APRIL 24th JUST $27.
This course is an outgrowth of FIREDANCE, but you do NOT need that course to use this one. It is self-contained, and your feedback will help us improve it.
I bet my entire reputation on this. Hell…I bet my son's life and future on it, and that's worth one hell of a lot more. Help yourself and your child…and help me show Jason that hard, honest work, and a commitment to create value for your community, produce the life of his dreams.
The low, low price is a favor to you. And frankly, ordering NOW is a favor to both of us. All of us.
Today is begins Jason's adult life. And your new future. And your child's.