Jason’s First Mini-Morning Ritual!

Jason’s First Mini-Morning Ritual!

"Do not be afraid that joy will make the pain worse; it is needed like the air we breathe."

-Goran Persson


During your FIVE MINUTE MIRACLE breathing…why not consider the meaning and application of quotes that touch your heart?  How much new JOY would you have to bring into your life to improve by 1% per week?  


Moving WHILE engaging mind and emotions is the path of Mastery.  And yesterday for the very FIRST time, Jason did a micro Morning Ritual!   We had our usual meeting at 3:30 pm (he has the right to postpone from 2pm IF AND ONLY IF he asks me prior to that time). During the meeting he explained what he spent his Pomodoro (25 solid minutes of focus) studying: success principles from Brendon Burchard, Tony Robbins, and his favorite anime!!


He explained how he was going to apply these principles in his life, and his explanations were solid.  HE IS LEARNING.   More on that later.  The most important part here is that at the end of his session, I have him perform three NLP "Swish" patterns which we call "changes."


He has to shift his physiology from negative to positive, three times, raising his arms in the air and saying "All the X I need is within me now!  All the Y I need is within me now!  All the Z I need is within me now!"  X, Y, and Z are aspects of the "High Performance Habits" which are a sort of "Rosetta Stone" in my family and with my business partners--we all love them, so they are a common language.   Clarity, Energy, Urgency, Productivity, Influence, and Courage.  (The way I look at it, the MAGIC formula is what gets you in the game.  Things like the HP6 are ways to excel once there.). The Morning Ritual, bringing body, emotions, and mind all together at the same time is utterly extraordinary.  It is, I believe, the road to Mastery.


I'd been trying to get him to do a full ritual daily.  Considered it the last major missing piece--after you have that, you have wound three strong fibers together to make a rope that cannot break this side of the grave.  It is the art of "Incantation":  affirmations performed while in motion.

He was about to do his "Changes" (which he said "does nothing" while his Mom and I have tracked, very carefully, his emotional control. He now has 100X as much emotional control, people.  Its so funny to watch him deny the impact) when he played with the chin-up bar in my office, and I had an inspiration:  "do your changes while performing chin-ups!"


And he went for it.   "All the CLARITY I need is within me now!" he said, and did a chin.   "All the INFLUENCE I need is within me now!" and another chin-up.   "All the COURAGE I need is within me now!" and the final chin-up.


Wow.  Clarity means seeing himself, his emotions, and the path to mastery CLEARLY.  Influence means being able to control himself, communicate with us, market and sell to his audience, convince a girl that she will have more fun going out with him than staying home or hanging with her friends.   Courage means that when he failed to pass his first written DMV learner's permit test, he doesn't pay attention to the voice that says "you can't do this" and instead says "this means I need to study more.   I can do this. I just can't do it TODAY."


HE HAS ANCHORED THIS IN HIS BODY.   Do you understand that?   Apply Clarity, Influence, and Courage to doing chin ups.


Do you have CLARITY on how to perform a chin-up? Do you understand that most "strength" is recruiting muscle fibers you already have?  Mental focus? 


Can you INFLUENCE yourself to perform the movement?


Do you have the COURAGE to look directly at your weakness? If you used to be able to do 20 chinups, and can only do three today, can you tell the voice in your head that says "you're getting weaker.   You are too old/out of shape and you'll never get it back…" and decide that your standard is to do the most you can do, and be HAPPY with that?  It takes COURAGE to look directly at entropy and decide to kick its ass until the day you die. 


The important thing here is that if you say "all the Clarity I need is within me now" there is the little voice that says "bullshit".  But if you are EXHIBITING clarity at that moment, and all you are doing is "gaining 1% clarity per week" you get to laugh at that voice.


If you say "all the Influence I need is within me now" when that voice says "bullshit", but you have influenced yourself to actually do that chin-up, you get to laugh at THAT voice.


And if you say "all the courage I need is within me now" while you are focusing your being on a rugged, taxing movement, you can laugh at THAT!  You can FEEL your strength, that animal brachiating drive to pull yourself up that cliff, up that tree.   You connect with SURVIVAL, and the survival drive, clearly accessed, trumps all fear, turns fear into power.


For the very first time, he experienced what it is to bring body, heart, and mind together, and brothers and sisters--there IS no more than that.  That's the best you can do. It is, as said, the doorway to mastery.  The gold standard.


And yes, you can do it in sixty seconds or less.   Then of course, when you have integrated this into your life, you expand one of those sessions into a full 10-20 minutes of FIREDANCE.  And if that first five minutes is enough to get you 1% change per week, I say that 20 minutes a day is enough to raise that to 1% change PER DAY.  Now…I can't "prove that" and so much is subjective that I totally understand anyone rejecting the notion.


But it is defensible. And clear. And the little boy or girl inside you can understand that.  You can clarify your MAP and think of MODELS. You can clearly visualize the ACTION you are taking today.   Can flood yourself with GRATITUDE and positive emotions.  Can visualize the end point of your goals, your INTENTIONS. And you can shape your posture, voice, facial expression, and movement to express CONFIDENCE that you CAN and SHOULD take these actions and succeed. Why? So that you can escape pain, feel JOY and be of SERVICE to your tribe.


If that isn't enough result for five damned minutes a day, this is not for you.If it is, please come to the FIREDANCE: THE NEXT LEVEL meeting this Saturday at noon Pacific:


Steven Barnes is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: Firedance...The Next Level

Time: May 27, 2023 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)


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Meeting ID: 848 3949 0050

Passcode: 951502


The "C" in the MAGIC formula is "Courage"
