FIREDANCE: The Whole Enchilada
FIREDANCE: The whole enchilada
So I was accused of being "lucky" and "privileged" again yesterday. Here's what I'll say about that: I believe anyone who does what I do would start getting the results I get. And I can predict, knowing nothing about them but their comment, that they don't have any idea what I do to keep myself on track.
Well, I can feel that I'm about to get even "luckier" or more "privileged" and people who think that way are gonna be even more confused. The problem is that I will also have to make better and better use of my time communicating with you all.
The MAGIC Formula book will be essential, needs to take people from Zero to Sixty, and I thank everyone who has been sharing their process and progress (or lack thereof!) so that I can see what I'm missing, or have failed to clarify.
INTENTION Thursday. This is actually scary for me, but it is CRITICAL that I be transparent. I want to give the very specific pattern I use every morning. I would suggest that you transcribe it, change the particulars, and use it yourself. As a practical suggestion, make your goals about 1% weekly improvement, or about 50% increase per year. YOU PROBABLY WON'T BELIEVE MORE THAN THAT!
Note: you can change the terms. I use the word "God" because it makes sense to me, connects to my earliest spiritual rituals. You might use "nature" or "universe" or whatever makes sense to you…a grasp of an overall pattern of life or existence with which we can get in rhythm.
1) "Every day in every way I'm getting better and better." At what? JOY. That's the core goal. Everything else is just an attempt to get there.
2) "God's wealth is circulating in my life. His wealth flows to me in avalanches of abundance. All my goals, dreams, and needs are met INSTANTLY by infinite intelligence, because I am one with God, and God is everything."
3) I'm so grateful for a strong healthy body. I'm so grateful for a strong healthy mind. I am so grateful for a strong healthy body and mind.
4) "I'm so grateful for the people who love me and trust me. My son Jason. Daughter Nicki. My beautiful, brilliant wife Tananarive. My sister Joyce, who deserves all good things in life. Larry Niven and Steve Muhammad, beloved role models and spiritual fathers. Dawn Callan and Tim Piering. Octavia Butler and Prince. My Mom and Dad. BKS Iyengar and Chin Man Ching. Danny Inosanto and William Shakespeare." Note: I no longer use specific financial goals (used to, and that worked fine). Now, I trust that if I have the right role models, their natural actions and advice will bring success. Can you detect the role models who help me in writing? Martial arts? Health? Relationships (that might be tricky. But three of my models have or had long and happy committed marriages.). I say their names and visualize them. What would they have me do with my day, to improve by 1% with joy? (Yes, I aim at 1% daily sometimes, unless things are moving too fast. Then I need to slow down and integrate/balance. I know I've chosen a "role model" well when I feel a burst of energy when I speak/visualize them.
5) "I'm so grateful for my felines, the Force, my fortress, my family and friends, my fans, the Filipino Martial Arts, my finances, my fitness…". This is pure fun. Just to amuse myself, I find "F" words for the things in life I'm grateful for. There is no higher significance to this…it is just amusement, and makes me laugh.
6) "All I need is within me now. All the love I need is within me not. All the joy I need is within me now. [and then the "High Performance Six"]: All the CLARITY I need is within me now. All the ENERGY I need is within me now. All the URGENCY I need is within me now. All the PRODUCTIVITY I need is within me now. All the INFLUENCE I need is within me now. All the COURAGE I need is within me now." The HP6 are damned fine principles for high level success. NONE of these qualities are purely innate. ALL can be influenced or programmed with thought and behavior. Increasing ANY of them positively affects the others. And financial resources are not required.
I do this while performing the Wu style Tai Chi form in the morning. If I needed to get more intense, I would lower my stance and perhaps perform with dynamic tension instead of relaxation. Or, I would choose an exercise THAT WILL MAKE ME SWEAT. Running, hill walking, etc. Increase the PHYSICAL intensity, or speak more loudly. Possibly SCREAMING if I had to, to match the energy I'm going to need to make the day a success.
I strongly suggest that you model this, make changes where you need to, ask any questions you wish. I've never shared this as clearly, and it frankly makes me a little vulnerable. I don't care. I'm talking to the people who were abused, oppressed, neglected, born without resources, programmed to hate themselves.
This is a way out. If you find that you cannot perform it, or cannot avoid a "zero" in a critical arena, you have detected a/the broken link in your dynamic chain of action. This is where you focus all your efforts. Get help. Find mentors and role models. Get into therapy.
Your ego thinks it is you, and will fight like HELL, including motivate you to do things that are similar to the pattern above, but missing a critical piece. What you see above is the pattern of someone who averages about a "5" on the MAGIC formula, and knows how to turn up the HP6 if there is anything special to be accomplished. Otherwise, I can "coast" on anything that is improving at least 1% per week, and focus on anything that either needs improvement, or needs to perform at a higher level for a short burst.
There. Wow. Its all out there. And I invite you to tear holes in it, look for loopholes (remember: you DON'T have to use a term like "God" if it doesn't work for you). Challenge me. Because I am willing to bet that ANYONE who does this will begin to get uncommon results.
I deeply, sincerely hope you will experiment and see for yourself.
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Topic: Firedance Tai Chi
Time: Apr 13, 2024 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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