Firedance (Ninety Minutes Later)
Heading to Norwescon in a few hours. I'll be seeing people, signing books, and teaching Firedance and being careful to wear my mask a LOT.
But in the midst of this, I have a panel at noon that sits right in the middle of my FIREDANCE time. So I'll do it at 1:30 Pacific instead of noon.
That's 1:30.
I honestly believe I've whipped my physical training schedule, and it’s terrific. So I have to bring up the other aspects of my life, with the intention to weaponize BOTH the energy and the quest for that energy. And that means moving from the body to the heart.
How is my FEAR connected to my core goals of body, relationships, and career?
There is fear of the unknown, resentment for unfair obstacles that were placed in my way, fear I will fail, and so on.
Love? Each of my goals is ABSOLUTELY connected to the other goals, so that body affects relationships and career, relationships affect body and career, and career affects body and relationships. And since "body" is connected directly to survival drives, this means infinite motivation.
If I look at any arena of my life where I have non-optimal results, there are only a few possible reasons:
I didn't have a clear goal
I didn't take action
I didn't understand the situation
I overestimated my capacity to accomplish it
I underestimated the time frame or resources necessary.
Here's a position I take, and I use it when evaluating whether to invest in someone's approach to life. If I have no investment, and their opinion sounds interesting, I might well take it seriously, and give it a shot….especially if I can test it within a month, and if there is a problem I can recover quickly.
But if we DISAGREE? Then I will look at the results in their lives. If I love their results, I'll take it seriously. If their results are better than mine, having had the same resources, I pay REALLY close attention.
The idea is this: a person with a perfect map of reality, and perfect understanding of themselves, should accomplish everything they ever attempt. Why? Because they know themselves AND the situation, and already know whether they can accomplish something before they begin. Perfection. When these people get their core actions at "unconscious competence" you have people who just "Zen" their way through life, apparently, and seem to win at everything they do without really "trying."
If that is perfection, then the percentage of successes tells you:
How well they understand reality
How well they understand themselves.
That's the theory. And in my opinion, the more reliably you reach your goals, the more accurate your map of reality, the deeper your self knowledge. That make sense?
So I have to look at the ways I break my promises to myself, let fear drive me, lack real clarity on my intent, stop paying attention to what is happening around me…things like that.
Although I've been discussing the "head space" of goals and knowledge, the only way to create that map is to explore the territory: perform an experiment, collate the results, publish. Try again.
Over and over. This is why you write short stories rather than novels, BTW-- fifty two-thousand word short stories will teach you HELLACEOUSLY more than a single 100k novel. No comparison. Rather than postponing that deadly reckoning, chalk up weekly "small failures", notice your results, and try again.
Fear stops you. It creates lack of clarity, convinces us to postpone reckoning, makes us avoid the possibility of failure.
So if I look at the belief under the broken promises or stunted actions, WHAT ARE THE BELIEFS THAT CREATE THE EMOTIONS THAT STOP THE ACTIONS?
If I can identify that…then I can work for clarity. Those emotions exist to motivate action. If you take a different action, you get a different lesson. If you pay attention to the results, you get a slightly different view of yourself, and the mountain you are climbing.
Again, study the people who have accomplished your goals, starting where you started. And when you find the right one, include them in your "Mentor" visualizations during your Firedance morning ritual.
We'll talk about emotions on FIREDANCE LIVE! This Saturday April 8 at 1:30 pm Pacific. ONE THIRTY PACIFIC, this week only.
See you then!
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