Changing Emotions
The question of limiting beliefs generated a LOT of response. So many great ones, detailing loss of hope in the arenas of body, emotions, or mind. Health/fitness, love, and worldly success.
So by modeling the people with the results you desire (assuming they started where you started.) you will see different beliefs. GUARANTEED. Look at ANYONE unsuccessful in those arenas, and you know, automatically, they have different beliefs from those who are MORE successful. Every. Single. Time.
So the very natural question is: how do you CHANGE A LIMITING BELIEF?
There are many ways, but let's see if I can come up with three, off the top of my head.
MIND: Interrogate the belief, using the Three Gates. Is it TRUE? How do you know this? Is it KIND? In this sense, does following this belief increase or decrease pain or pleasure? I have the belief that the truth sets you free. That even if uncomfortable it ALWAYS leads to greater pleasure and reduced pain. Is it USEFUL? If everyone in the world believed what you believe, would it be a better world? Find a positive role model, someone who has accomplished what you desire, and study them.
HEART: Beliefs that increase fear should be examined closely. Faith and Gratitude help to strip away the fear so that you can see the core realities beneath them: there is a tiger in that shadow.
Fear is natural, and if it motivates the strategic mind, or mobilizes the adrenaline, it can be useful. It can also paralyze. And fear is not NECESSARY: focus on the problem and mobilization of resources are necessary. So FLOOD yourself with gratitude for all the wonders in your life. From that position, you can often look at the problems in your life without the emotional filters, and live differently.
BODY: How does a person with the positive beliefs MOVE? Breathe? What is the expression on their face? How do they walk? How do they speak, their tone and volume? Simply shifting your physiology from unresourceful to resourceful, over and over again, perhaps saying something like BOOM! As you shift, conditions your nervous system just like taking a stance when confronted by potential attacker "triggers an anchor", reminds your mind of your training and drops you into a different state.
If you can control your beliefs, you control your emotions. Control these and you control your behaviors. Do that, and if you have the right Map or Model of action, you maximize your chances of success.
Massive action. Positive emotions. Alert mind, constantly watching the results and adapting accordingly.
All of this is part of the FIREDANCE ritual, the daily combination of physical, emotional, and mental processes so that for 10-20 minutes every damned day, you are taking control of your existence. This propagates through your life like yeast in bread dough. INCREDIBLY powerful.
Join us tomorrow as we rotate through the EMOTIONAL aspects of this, of changing your emotions so that you can function at the highest levels. Specifically, the "inner child" model.
See you then!
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Topic: Firedance LIVE!
Time: SATURDAY Apr 1, 2023 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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